Radha Soami Tarn Taran
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What is the importance of Satsang?

In Satsang we come to know about the coverings of lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego on our soul. We try to remove these and become one with Him. As Heer said, uttering Ranjha-Ranjha I have become Ranjha. Call me Dhidho Ranjha, not Heer. She had only worldly love yet she was absorbed in that. Having Spiritual love we can be changed into the Spiritual Form. We can know this through Satsang where our doubts are cleared. Satsang defends our meditation. Through Satsang we can know the True Path leading to the Almighty, and know our inner self.

I have heard that one should lovingly do Simran and Meditation. Is it still useful if it is just a routine and not lovingly done?

Simran and Meditation may be done lovingly or as a routine; it is useful as it saves the person from bad company for the period he sits for meditation. Dusting will clean the table – whether it is done sincerely or not. In case it is not properly done, maybe a little dust will be left. Simran and Meditation must clean our inner self. If it is done, everything is okay. If we meditate sincerely we get into a ‘natural state’. Not doing it sincerely, we stay absorbed in the outward thoughts, and it will not be helpful.

What is the meaning of the Blessed Words given at Naam Dan?

There are five stages in us: Sahansdal Kanwal, Trikuti, Daswan Dwar, Bhanwargupha and Sach Khand. The Five Names are the names of the Lords of each region. To concentrate, it is a must to repeat some name like Ram, Vahiguru, Satnam, Allah, etc., etc. To stop the diversions of the mind, it is compulsory to repeat the Holy Names blessed by the Guru. Ram-Ram, Hare-Hare, Waheguru, Satnam, Allah, etc., are words that have been repeated for a long time, however, the true words for repetition are the words blessed by the Guru. If seeds of the Peepal and Banyan Trees are sown they never grow into a tree; however, if a bird eats the seed and excretes it, it takes root and grows into a big tree. A word uttered by the Guru is useful. Nam is the Power that created Khand-Brahmand, suns, moons, etc., etc. The Guru connects us with that Nam or Sound. By focusing on that, we reach the Nameless Region.

How one should live in the world?

The world is like a horse yoked to a buggy, pulling a cart. The rider is lashing it and it runs faster. Still the rider continues lashing the horse. Without showing any anger it keeps running. The rider has covered its eyes and the horse can see directly ahead only. It is done in order that the horse does not turn to another horse on its right or left, but keeps going straight. A human being is like a horse that does not need to think about the moment to moment things, because he is passing through them. A wise man thinks about the future also. Like this, being the leader of a family, we are driving it ahead. If stopping at one place we start quarrelling, we cannot precede further. Everything has happened according to His Will and will happen according to His Will. Therefore do not worry. In case a member of our family has met with an accident and broken his leg; we are sad and cry instead of being thankful to God for saving his life.

When I sit for meditation my lower legs are senseless and very painful. Should I get up and sit again or tolerate the pain?

As explained during Naam Dan, a person should sit with cross legs with his hands on the knees. When the course of Simran is complete, we start concentrating. At that moment, sometimes the legs, sometimes the thighs, sometimes the back, and sometimes the head, starts giving you pain. Kaal is a big power and he does not want anyone to pay attention to God; so the pains are there. With the help of your meditation, if you attain the Form of the Master, everything will be okay. When you see Guru’s Form and start gazing at it, the lower portion of the body becomes senseless and you do not feel any pain. Getting up during meditation and changing position should not be done at all. Until we are disconnected from the outer world and linked inside, the pains are there. Without longing, one does not see the Form of the Guru. When you see Guru’s Form inside yourself, you will find all your difficulties are over. However, try to continue and not leave your seat.

I cannot concentrate, and do not feel like sitting for meditation. What should I do?

To enjoy clarified butter (ghee) you have to put in effort. First, we are to buy milk, then boil it; add some yogurt to change it into yogurt, then churn it to get butter. Heating the butter we get clear butter. To get clear butter (ghee) we had to put in so much effort. Like this we are to separate our mind from the evil tendencies and attach it to God. To be successful we are to follow the method as shown by the Guru.

Radha Soami Tarn Taran

Address - Radha Soami Dera Baba Bagga Singh, Railway Road, Tarn Taran - 143401 Punjab, INDIA.

Telephone - +91-1852-222042

Email - admin@rstt.org.in

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