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Blood Donation

Blood is one of the most important fluids of human body that helps in smooth functioning of the body. Blood transfusion has proved to be a life savior blessing in various life threatening ailments and surgeries. In such a condition blood donation is a blessing.

Blood donation is a compassionate motion, a decent sign signifying that the individual is progressively reasonable towards others sufferings. Sparing blood signifies worry for an individual needing life. It is thus a deed of kindness as donating blood to help the needy is a very noble cause and a great service to mankind. The requirement of blood donation is increasing day by day and every year millions of people around need blood transfusion. From time to time Radha Soami Dera Baba Bagga Singh, Tarn Taran has been organizing blood donation camps as it is a form of seva and service to the mankind. It strongly promotes the idea that, 'There is always a hope of life to someone in your blood donation.' This noble act always helps us remember that our small act of gifting blood can give someone a second chance to live life. Our droplets of blood can create immense happiness for others. In blood donation it is never asked whether the donor is rich or poor, it is a gesture of giving blood as no one knows who may be the next person in need. Keeping this view point the Dera promotes blood donation camps at regular intervals of time. The team says that by donating one unit of blood upto three lives can be saved as blood can be utilized in three different ways. Thus blood is the most precious gift one can give to anyone , the gift of life. Unavailability of blood can lead to loss of life. Thus it is a social responsibility of every healthy individual to donate blood.

Every single drop of blood which flows in each of us is the same despite of our caste, creed, colour or our financial status. There is no substitute for human blood. Blood cannot be made by any machine in any laboratory of the world - it can only be obtained from generous donors. The preciousness of human blood is incomparable. It is only in human beings that the blood is made and circulated. Thus blood donation is a form of true service to mankind, an opportunity to serve the Lord as according to Santmat everybody should do service through their body and hands and what better way can there be to do seva than save someone's life. Seva is selfless service. The Dera emphasizes on the fact that giving is important for spiritual growth and henceforth organizes the blood donation camps at regular intervals.

The Dera tries to inculcate the seed of selfless service through these camps thus flowing love from one human to another.

Radha Soami Tarn Taran

Address - Radha Soami Dera Baba Bagga Singh, Railway Road, Tarn Taran - 143401 Punjab, INDIA.

Telephone - +91-1852-222042

Email - admin@rstt.org.in

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